gVarCopyright1 = "Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. "; gVarCopyright2 = ". All "; gVarCopyright3 = "rights"; gVarCopyright4 = " reserved."; gVarPrivacy = "Privacy Declare"; gVarPubEnable = 'Enable'; gVarPubsEnable = 'Enable'; gVarPubDisable = 'Disable'; gVarPubApply = 'Submit'; gVarPubNew = 'New'; gVarPubRemove = 'Remove'; gVarPubHelp = 'Help'; gVarPubConfigure = 'Settings'; gVarPubClear = 'Clear'; gVarPubErr1 = ' error message(s).'; gVarPubErr2 = 'The error message(s) is(are) as follows: '; gVarPubSequence = 'Index'; gVarDay = 'days'; gVarHour = 'hours'; gVarMinute = 'minutes'; gVarSecond = 'seconds'; gVar_Up = 'Up'; gVar_Down = 'Down'; gVar_Auto = 'Auto'; gVar_Full = 'Full'; gVar_Half = 'Half'; gVarConnecting = 'Connecting'; gVarConnected = 'Connected'; gVarPending = 'PendingDisconnect'; gVarDisConnecting = 'Disconnecting'; gVarDisConnected = 'Disconnected'; gVarAuthenticating = 'Authenticating'; gVarAcc_eth = 'Ethernet'; gVarAlertNot_Add = 'Please add one item at least!'; gVarAlertNot_Select = 'Please select one item at least!'; gVarDeleteLinkConfirm = 'Related IP/PPP connections will also be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete?'; gPubErrStrArray = new Array ('Parameter settings are invalid.', 'Username error.', 'Password error.', 'Too many errors, please wait a minute.', 'Duplicate login.', 'Too many users.', 'Voice is busy, please try later.', 'File too large.', 'File format error.', 'Access denied.', 'The path is not valid storage dir.','The samba user has logined in, can not delete or modify it.', 'Bad certificate.', 'Old password is not match.', 'The account has been modified successfully.', 'The account has been modified successfully. Please login again.','Upgrade error.'); gVarPubRefresh = 'Refresh'; gVarPubValifyCode = 'Validate Code:'; gVarPubInvalidCode = 'validate code is incorrect';